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Are Saudis interested in purchasing green products?

In recent years, there has been rapid economic growth and industrial development, which has increased the consumption of households, caused environmental problems, this has led to consumers’ awareness of green products to preserve the environment. The chart represents the result of an online survey that was conducted this year to collect the information needed to investigate the consumer behaviors toward green products, to further investigate, the formed hypothesis will be - The negative relationship between product price and consumer behavior.

According to the gathered responses seen in the chart, regarding the most obstacle preventing buying a green product. The top obstacle identified by most respondents was the price. Where it prevents and causes an obstruction to the consumer from buying a green product. Considering our hypothesis, it has been approved that there is a negative relationship between price and consumer behavior. Customers who have the willingness and desire to put an effort into purchasing a green product are more satisfied than those who are not interested in purchasing green products at such a high price. The willingness to pay impacts negatively on customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, the research has found that there is a significant impact for green products on consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia, and such impact is higher among young consumers due to awareness provided to them through education and media. Through that the recommendation relies on the government to increase the role played by educational intuitions and media to spread awareness among consumers in Saudi Arabia, having said that, it seems to be a lot of work to be done in order to raise green product awareness and availability among consumers in Saudi Arabia, consumers' environmental consciousness and purchase decisions might be influenced by a variety of various factors.

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